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Originally delivered on 9/24/2021 11:00 am

SUBJECT: NFE PTA Newsletter - September 24, 2021

I hope everyone is successfully getting back into the swing of things with the new school year!

In a typical year, the PTA Budget for the upcoming school year would have been approved by our general membership at an in-person meeting in September. Given current circumstances, we felt it best to approve our 2021-2022 budget and other financial reports via MTK. A message was sent out Thursday evening (September 23) with a link to the online voting form on MTK. If you are a PTA member, please complete the online voting form by September 30th at 11:59PM.

And just as an additional reminder, we still have a few vacant PTA board positions. If parents are looking for a way to participate, volunteer, and/or get involved, this is an ideal way since we are currently on hold for most other volunteering activities for now.

Kim Apollony

2021/22 PTA President

Join the PTA!

Please be sure to join our NFE PTA this year to help us reach our goal of 100% participation! Parents (both mom AND dad), grandparents, relatives and all NFE faculty and staff are encouraged to join. It’s quick and easy to join on Membership Toolkit.

The $6 per person membership fee includes our local, state and national dues — and gives you exclusive access to our online student directory.

Lend a Helping Hand

Interested in volunteer opportunities including room parent opportunities on the Farm? Be sure to complete the Volunteer Interest Form available on Membership Toolkit under "My Forms/Sign-ups." For a complete list of volunteer opportunities, check out the Volunteer Handbook. Questions? Contact Carrie Settar.

Fox Fund Donations Growing!

Our Fox Fund drive is off to a terrific start!  We want to send a HUGE thank you to the 181 families who have donated so far.  And, it's not too late to contribute!  Tax-deductible donations to the Fox Fund can be made through the PTA website.

All Fox Fund contributors will receive a magnet in appreciation of their donation.  The first round of magnets for donors went home this past week!


Calling all artists, musicians, writers, photographers, dancers and directors! Please check out the Reflections Interest Form 2021-22 on our NFE Membership Toolkit. Click here for more information about our reflections program, the interest form, or contact Jenny Scott with any questions. The interest form will be due on 9/30, and all reflections entries will be due on 10/22.

Yearbook Sale

2021-2022 Yearbooks are officially available for purchase! This year, sales will be done directly through the Herff Jones website. 

Please visit and enter code 10385. You can choose from a soft or hard cover and booster/ad messages are available again this year. Questions or comments? Please email Kristen Lorden and Jennifer Huddleston at

Share Your Photos

Share your first day of school photos for possible inclusion in our yearbook! Go to, enter 10385 for NFE, and follow the directions from there OR download the Herff Jones eShare app to share pictures directly from your phone. Check out our website for more information. Remember to upload pictures throughout the school year!

Support the Farm Every Time You Shop!
Box Top Rewards

Download and try the BTE App and encourage family and friends to as well. It's free and easy to use. Please select Nuckols Farm Elementary so that our school can receive credit on scanned submissions. This can be done all year long! 

The more families participate, the closer we come to meeting our goal. Thank you for your efforts in supporting our school by participating in the Box Tops for Education Program. Together, we all can make a difference in the community and for our school! 

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