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Originally delivered on 10/22/2021 2:00 pm

SUBJECT: NFE PTA Newsletter - October 22, 2021

PTA News

Fox Artists, today is the day!  

All Reflections entries are due today, October 22.  The official entry form and virtual submission details are available HERE. Contact Jenny Scott with any questions. 

Gardens and Grounds

Come join the Gardens and Grounds fall clean up this Sunday, October 24th from 12p.m. to 2 p.m. We will be mulching, planting flowers and grasses, and cleaning up the KinderGarden area to add color and pizzazz to our school!

Snacks and water provided. We can’t wait for you to join us!

Faculty Faves

Looking for a way to thank your child's teacher?  Check out the NFE Staff Favorite Things list!

Spirit Wear is Here!

Spirit wear has FINALLY arrived! Orders should be sent home with students by October 22. Garden flags had a delay on shipment, therefore those will be sent home separately!  

Thank you Recycling Volunteers!

The Recycling Committee would like to give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to Miss Jesseman’s class and some 5th grade volunteers who have been picking up the recycling bins on Tuesdays and Thursdays. While volunteers have not been allowed in the building, these students have stepped up to get the job done and we are so appreciative!

Save the Date!
November Spirit Night

Visit the Short Pump Gelati Celesti on November 3 between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. for our next Spirit Night. Gelati Celesti will donate 20% of sales to the PTA!

Annual Book Fair

Our annual Barnes and Noble Book Fair is coming soon on November 6th!  Get your holiday shopping started at the Short Pump B&N and help earn funds for the NFE Library.  

Yearbook Sale

2021-2022 Yearbooks are officially available for purchase! This year, sales will be done directly through the Herff Jones website.  

Please visit and enter code 10385. You can choose from a soft or hard cover and booster/ad messages are available again this year. Questions or comments? Please email Kristen Lorden and Jennifer Huddleston at

Share Your Fall Photos

Share your school photos for possible inclusion in our yearbook! We'd love to see pictures from field trips, Spirit Week, and Walk to School Day. AND, please share fall pictures for a "fall fun" yearbook page - pumpkin patch, apple picking, all your favorite fall activities!

To share, go to, enter 10385 for NFE, and follow the directions from there OR download the Herff Jones eShare app to share pictures directly from your phone. Check out our website for more information. 

Support the Farm Every Time You Shop!
Box Top Rewards

Download and try the BTE App and encourage family and friends to as well. It's free and easy to use. Please select Nuckols Farm Elementary so that our school can receive credit on scanned submissions. This can be done all year long! 

The more families participate, the closer we come to meeting our goal. Thank you for your efforts in supporting our school by participating in the Box Tops for Education Program. Together, we all can make a difference in the community and for our school! 

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