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Originally delivered on 1/7/2022 10:00 am

SUBJECT: NFE PTA Newsletter - January 7, 2022

PTA News
Happy New Year NFE!

Hello Fox Families!

It is hard to believe that we have said goodbye to 2021. What a year!

While volunteer opportunities have looked much different over the last year and a half, we are still planning to fill a typical PTA Board for the 2022-23 school year. Please be on the lookout for an interest form detailing open positions. We would love to see you volunteer for the PTA Board next school year!

Best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy 2022!


Kim Apollony

2021-22 PTA President

Yearbook Sale

2021-2022 Yearbooks are officially available for purchase! This year, sales will be done directly through the Herff Jones website.  

Please visit and enter code 10385. You can choose from a soft or hard cover and booster/ad messages are available again this year. Questions or comments? Please email Kristen Lorden and Jennifer Huddleston at

Share Your Photos

Share your school photos for possible inclusion in our yearbook! We'd love to see pictures from Winter Enrichment days and other NFE festivities. AND, please share SNOW DAY photos!

To share, go to, enter 10385 for NFE, and follow the directions from there OR download the Herff Jones eShare app to share pictures directly from your phone. Check out our website for more information. 

School News
Upcoming Dates to Remember

- January 17 - Student holiday

- January 26 - Make-up picture day AND student half-day (11:05 dismissal)

MakerSpace Donations Needed

Ms.Young is collecting supplies for the library MakerSpace, where 3-5 graders use their imaginations to create.  Donations can be sent in to school with your students.  

Supplies needed: googly eyes, fabric pieces, season items, pipe cleaners, muffin tin liners, paper towel/toilet paper rolls, pom poms, popsicle sticks, stickers, buttons, ribbon, tissue paper, colored/patterned tape, and peel-and-stick gems.

Faculty Faves

Looking for a way to thank your child's teacher?  Check out the NFE Staff Favorite Things list!

Support the Farm Every Time You Shop!
Box Top Rewards

Download and try the BTE App and encourage family and friends to as well. It's free and easy to use. Please select Nuckols Farm Elementary so that our school can receive credit on scanned submissions. This can be done all year long! 

For those of you have unexpired PAPER Box Tops, you may drop them off in the Box Tops box under the covered porch in front of the school starting Monday, January 10th.

The more families participate, the closer we come to meeting our goal. Thank you for your efforts in supporting our school by participating in the Box Tops for Education Program. Together, we all can make a difference in the community and for our school! 

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